Renewable energy asset management is immature resulting in electrical failures, thermal events, safety hazards, and reliability risks. As the decarbonization of the electric grid accelerates in the coming decade, these risks become more pronounced. With clarity of renewable asset health, operational issues can be identified and addressed before they become hazards. Current asset management is typically limited to energy meters and component alarms, but this is a narrow view of the physical asset. In Phase 1 of this SBIR, HelioVolta will create an asset-based data model for on-site fieldwork data, a class of data that digitizes the work performed on-site by technicians. On-site fieldwork data gives a fuller picture of asset health by incorporating the fieldwork performed by technicians, which is not yet appreciated in data analysis. This effort will then create and define open-sourced data connections to other data sources. Once a data model is created for on-site fieldwork data, it is paired with metered data for a very robust understanding of asset health. This pairing is the pursuit of Phase II of this grant and promotes system reliability and better project integration therein promoting more solar generation on the grid.