Novel High Field Steady State Hybrid LTS-HTS Magnet
Award last edited on: 12/23/2020

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
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Principal Investigator
Christopher M Rey

Company Information

Tai-Yang Research Company (AKA: Rey Research Corporation~TYRC~Tai-Yang Research Corporation)

119 Century Park Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32304
   (865) 250-0237
Location: Single
Congr. District: 02
County: Knox

Phase I

Contract Number: DE-SC0020596
Start Date: 2/18/2020    Completed: 2/17/2021
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The United States has a broad range of university researchers studying bulk properties of quantum materials in intense magnetic fields B-fields), both in the 5–20 T range at university laboratories, and in the 20–100 T range at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory NHMFL), which hosts more than 1, 500 users per year. The experiments provide clear evidence of exciting new phenomena when quantum materials are exposed to extremely high magnetic fields. To understand the structure and dynamics of these new phases of quantum materials, neutron and x-ray scattering experiments under high-field conditions are essential. Unfortunately, steady-state magnets available at US Department of Energy DOE) facilities for neutron and x-ray scattering have maximum fields ranging from 2–16 T, so direct atomic-scale experimental information is presently unavailable for fields beyond 16 T. Most magnets used for this application employ the low-temperature superconducting LTS) materials Nb3Sn and NbTi. With the advent of high-temperature superconductor HTS) magnets, it is possible to build superconducting scattering magnets providing fields well beyond 15 T. The US Department of Energy DOE) Office of Neutron Science is actively seeking novel approaches to high field steady state magnets with B-field strengths > 16 T to study the structure and dynamics of quantum matter and materials processed at high magnetic fields. To date, the most successful approaches to generate these Ultra-High Fields UHF) has been at the NHMFL through the use of series connected hybrid magnets consisting of either: a) resistive magnets combined with low temperature superconducting Nb-Ti magnets to form a 26 T hybrid magnet or b) the 32 T LTS- HTS hybrid magnet consisting of 15-T Nb3Sn outsert with a17 T HTS insert coil. Energy to Power Solutions e2P) of Tallahassee, FL in collaboration with Subject Matter Expert SME) Dr. Mark Bird of the NHMFL also of Tallahassee, FL proposes a novel approach to the design and construction of these ultra-high B-field steady state hybrid magnets that may provide superior B-field strengths at a much lower cost than what are currently available using existing hybrid designs. We propose a UHF hybrid coil winding topology based upon the NHMFL’s successful 32 T LTS-HTS hybrid design. In order to insure successful implementation of these UHF LTS-HTS hybrid magnets, serious technical challenges remain involving the Quench Protection QP) and mechanical strains arising from induced magnetization currents in the HTS insert that if not properly addresses will certainly lead to costly failures during installation and commissioning of these systems. e2P along with SME Dr. Bird has the unique expertise and experience to address these complex magnet design issues.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount