Phase II Amount
The Advanced Manufacturing Office of the Department of Energy seeks to catalyze research, development and adoption of energyrelated advanced manufacturing technologies and practices to drive United States energy productivity and economic competitiveness. In particular, the office seeks to strengthen the critical materials supply chain, including manufacturing of magnesiumbased alloys for vehicle light weighting. Magnesium alloys have the lowest density of all engineering alloys. Novel magnesium alloy extrusions with reduced energy consumption will be produced, achieved through lower processing temperature, in comparison with melt processed die casting, as well as enhanced extrudability through alloy thermodynamic model driven chemistry selection. Production scale castings and extrusions were completed; process parameters are amenable to high volume applications. Magnesium alloy extrusions exhibited tensile properties similar to Aluminum alloy 6063. A bumper beam has been identified by an automotive manufacturer as a potential demonstration for the extrusion alloy. A magnesium alloy with similar cross section as the bumper beam will be extruded to evaluate mechanical properties and alloy corrosion resistance. Future applications include components for the automotive and aerospace industries in which weight reduction is a targeted desirable property.