Arguably the most important issue facing the further development of magnetic fusion via advanced tokamaks is to predict, avoid, or mitigate disruptions. This problem recently became one of the most challenging and hot topics in fusion research due to several potentially damaging effects, all of which can impact the ITER device. The Disruption Prediction And Simulation Suite DPASS) of codes will address all important disruption related topics: MHD dynamics, plasma edge physics, plasma-wall interaction physics and generation, and losses of runaway electrons. The numerical algorithm will allow extension in physics models and interface with other relevant codes. The DPASS will have a modular structure. Different aspects of disruption physics will be included in modules, which will be linked to a core. The core of the DPASS will be the already developed DSC-3D code, which solves the resistive one fluid non-linear time-dependent 3D MHD equations in the real geometry of the conducting tokamak vessel, utilizing the adaptive meshless technique. The DPASS will be validated against the JET disruption data and will be capable of predicting the disruption effects in ITER, it will be parallelized too. DPASS will contribute to the development of the disruption mitigation schemes and suppression of the runaway generation. Theoretical models relevant to disruptions and corresponding numerical algorithms will be carefully selected. Two numerical modules to simulate disruption mitigation schemes with massive gas and plasma jet injections will be developed, tested and incorporated into the DPASS. Initial simulations will be carried out. The DPASS will make a unique and timely contribution to the US and International tokamak fusion programs. With the projects completion, the DPASS will result in a powerful simulation tool, available and deliverable to the fusion energy science community. Being experimentally verified, the DPASS fits well the objectives of the FSP Fusion Simulation Project). Adaptive meshless method employed in the DPASS is an explicit contribution to the computational science.