Scientists and engineers must view increasingly complex computer generated multi dimensional data sets and simulations in collaborative environments. Such data sets are often rendered in three dimensions. Due to their complexity it is often necessary to view them in stereoscopic (3D) form to gain the sense of depth required to see where various points, structures, and other representations are positioned and oriented relative to one another. At present, researchers don commercial 3D glasses to view such representations. This stereo viewing technique has many limitations, including its inability to render distortion free images for more than one person in one position. Autostereoscopic displays exist, but commercial models either introduce observer position restrictions to see the images or else drastically reduce the resolution of the images to create 3D. Dimension Technologies Inc. (DTI) proposes to develop a high resolution autostereoscopic projection display that will allow several observers to observe complex data sets without distortion while moving freely in front of a large, immersive screen. The proposed Phase I program will serve to determine the feasibility of both the innovative autostereoscopic technology and its integration to existing computing environments through investigation and bench level testing. The Phase II program would then be used to build and test a functional prototype. Commercial Applications and Other Bene