The high-temperature reaction process of wind-and-react Nb3Sn superconductors, used to produce magnets for high energy physics (HEP) research, requires innovative insulation materials and processes. This project will investigate the use of a robust polymer insulation system, based on thermoplastic polyimide that can be applied after the coil reaction process with a series of impregnation processes. A polyimide-based insulation system will have excellent radiation-resistance, support high mechanical loads at cryogenic temperatures, have high thermal conductivity, remain relatively ductile, and not crack under strain. These factors eliminate significant uncertainty and cost in the manufacture and operation of magnets.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Reliable superconducting magnets are required for particle accelerators, important tools for HEP research. The proposed polyimide dielectric insulation of the magnets coils should provide excellent long-term performance in these machines.