Development of Nacelle Assembly Lifting System (LIFTCAP)
Award last edited on: 12/4/2008

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Jerald E Jones

Company Information

Native American Technologies Company (AKA: NA Tech)

910 Van Gordon Street
Golden, CO 80401
   (303) 279-7942
Location: Single
Congr. District: 07
County: Jefferson

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Large utility scale wind turbines are getting so large that transportation limitations are driving final, onsite assembly costs. To address this problem, this project will design an apparatus for placing wind turbine components - the nacelle, generator, gear box, rotor, and blades - on top of an in situ fabricated, self-erecting tower, without using an external crane. The self-erecting tower itself, known as UltraTall, is the result of project funded by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). The current project builds on UltraTall -in which a (1/15) reduced scale, 5.3 meter tall, 4 section, self-erecting tower was fabricated and tested - thereby demonstrating the feasibility of in situ fabrication and self-erection.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:
An enabling technology for the production of self-erecting towers should lower the costs of wind energy will be lower cost by 20% or more. This will accelerate the implementation of wind energy and speed progress toward the renewable energy goals of the United States

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Utility-scale wind turbines are getting so large that transportation limitations are driving final, onsite assembly costs. To address this problem, this project will design an apparatus for placing wind turbine components - the nacelle, generator, gear box, rotor, and blades - on top of an in-situ-fabricated, self-erecting tower, without using an external crane. The approach builds on UltraTall, the result of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory funded project, in which a self-erecting tower (4 sections, 1:15 reduced scale, 5.3 meter tall) was fabricated and tested. However, it was beyond the scope of that project to develop a nacelle placement apparatus. In Phase I of this project, four different design concepts for the nacelle placement apparatus were prioritized and a detailed design of the leading concept was completed. Phase II will conduct a detailed Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of the nacelle placement system (tower plus nacelle placement apparatus), develop a full scale prototype, and then test the apparatus. The plan is to erect three sections of a full-scale UltraTall tower and use the prototype nacelle placement system to lift an equivalent weight. (The construction of a full-scale wind generating system for testing the nacelle placement system is beyond the scope of Phase II.) The nacelle placement apparatus and tower sections will have a complete set of sensors, and a structural health monitoring system will be used to collect data on the structural behavior. That data will be used to validate the FEA.

Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee:
The plan for Phase III is to erect and demonstrate a full-scale wind energy system that utilizes the UltraTall tower. The site, which is on a farm in eastern Oklahoma, already has two transmission lines from utilities that have on-going wind-energy programs