Steady state magnetic fusion concepts suffer the following problems: maintaining stability and current sustainment in steady state; continuous heat flux on the first wall; and heating the plasma to thermonuclear conditions. The Inductive Plasmoid Accelerator (IPA), funded by the DOE and currently under construction, seeks to address each of these issues: the steady-state problem is mitigated by pulsing, the wall problem by an imploding plasma liner, and the heating problem by converting directional energy to thermal energy. This project will support the physics basis of the IPA through analytic and computational modeling, and by the design of a diagnostic set. Phase I will examine the physics and determine how the dominant issues can be addressed in the IPA. Three particular areas will be studied: the physics of high energy reconnection (high energy particle production); the physics of a plasma liner implosion; and the conversion of directional motion to thermal energy. In Phase II, the diagnostic set will be constructed, commensurate with the completion of the construction of the IPA.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The technology should help realize the promise of economic fusion energy, which has remained elusive, despite much progress over the last 50 years