The escape of methane into the atmosphere has been identified as a major component for global warming. Compared to carbon dioxide, methane is capable of absorbing 21 times more heat. Therefore, the methane generated at sites such as coal mines, farms, and landfills must be sequestered and stored to prevent further complications of global warming. To ameliorate these methane issues, a High Solids Anaerobic Digestion (HSAD) system, which is capable of using biological feedstocks to generate methane in a controlled environment for subsequent storage, has been developed. In this project, the HSAD system will be combined with an energy-efficient atmospheric plasma system that is capable of converting methane to higher-value alcohol products. This combined technology will assist in the storage and transportation of carbon compounds, while eliminating the immediate threat methane imposes on the atmosphere. Phase I will examine the feasibility of using the methane generated by HSAD in the atmopsheric plasma system. In addition, an attempt will be made to increase the efficiency of converting methane to alcohol products.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: The combined process should be applicable to the sequestration of methane. At the same time, the process would convert the methane to higher valued alcohols, an important benefit to farms and military installations with high productions of solid waste