The design of advanced accelerator components increasingly relies upon sophisticated electromagnetic field software tools, and new tools have been developed that provide the designer with exceptional capabilities. However, utilizing the electromagnetic field information in particle optics codes remains a cumbersome task, and a reliable and accurate method of creating particle optics transfer maps from electromagnetic fields is needed. This project will create an Automated Transfer Map Generator that will allow both specialists and non-specialists to utilize detailed component electromagnetic field data in a variety of optics codes. A fast, reliable, and accurate software package will generate transfer maps for particle optics programs that play a critical role throughout the life cycle of every accelerator. In Phase I, a concept demonstration software package was developed to establish feasibility, and the package was applied to selected component designs to demonstrate utility. In Phase II, the Automated Transfer Map Generator software will be developed and tested. Verification and validation of the transfer maps generated will be performed for several accelerator devices. A documented library of validated applications of the software will be prepared for future users.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Advanced software tools are at the forefront of many new and emerging applications of particle accelerators. The software for automated transfer map generation should provide a valuable commercial tool to aid in optimizing the performance of medical accelerators and improving manufacturing processes that use accelerators