For electrical power generation, fuel cells that efficiently convert hydrogen to electrical power can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. However, more economic methods to produce hydrogen from hydrocarbon fuels are needed. Advanced fuel processing systems are needed that incorporate high-temperature composite membranes to economically separate hydrogen from reformed fuels. While silica membranes are capable of selectively separating hydrogen from gas mixtures, they are not economic due to their low permeability. This project will develop a selective high temperature membrane having substantially increased permeance relative to current membrane technology. In Phase I, a novel composite membrane will be fabricated consisting of a macroporous alumina support, a mesoporous Vycor layer, and an ultra-thin permselective silica layer that is formed using a specialized chemical vapor deposition technique. The membrane will be tested for permeation characteristics using simulated reformed fuel gases, and an assessment will be made of the separator economics.
Commercial Applications and Other Benefits as described by the awardee: Economic ceramic membrane hydrogen separators should improve the efficiency of hydrogen production from reformed fuels and will assist in the commercialization of fuel cell technology.