An economical means for improving the surfaceproperties of materials would be of interest to many industrialapplications. Ion implantation with energetic beam has been usedto improve wear resistance, hardness, and erosion and cavitationresistance. However, this process has not proven to be costeffective. In an attempt to alleviate the deficiencies of theenergetic beam method, plasma source ion implantation has beenproposed as a simple, reliable and low cost method of implantingcomplex shaped objects. However, this process has not realizedits potential because of secondary electrons emitted from theimplanted object. Energy efficiency is reduced and X-rays areproduced when the electrons strike the chamber walls which become overheated. In addition, treatment of complex shaped objects hasnot been successful. Based on principles and methods for electronenergy control, recently developed and tested in positive ionbeam energy recovery systems and in negative ion beam extractionexperiments, this project will develop a design for a plasmasource ion implantation system that will virtually eliminate theproblem of energetic, secondary electrons. Energy efficiency willthus be greatly increased, X-rays and wall heating eliminated,and the ability to implant complex shaped objects restored.Operating costs for a system based on this design will beevaluated for treating components of interest to the paperindustry.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications asdescribed by the awardee: A simple, energy efficient plasmasource ion implantation process will have many commercialapplications. Immediate applications of this process include:production of improved materials for the pulping and bleachingprocess in the pulp and paper industry; production of highstrength/low weight materials, such as aluminum, with improvedwear properties for the auto industry; and production of hardchrome on surfaces for the plating industry.