Security Monitoring Systems: Sensors, Communications, and Computing
Award last edited on: 4/10/02

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Warren Brent Chitwood

Company Information

Spectrum Data Inc

PO Box 3100
Kent, WA 98032
   (206) 824-9337
Location: Single
Congr. District: 09
County: King

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Accurate and automatic detection of human presence in order toprevent unauthorized use of high value assets is an importantissue for both DOE and society in general. To date, securitysystems have been very expensive in terms of capital and verylabor intensive to operate. In addition, the systems have beenprone to false alarms, reducing confidence in the alarmsgenerated. In this project a security monitoring system based ona unique combination of video acquisition, wireless spreadspectrum communications, and morphological image processing todetect the presence of human intruders is planned. The ultimategoal is to reduce by a factor of 10 the capital costs andinstallation labor (compared to conventional security systems),reduce false alarms to near zero, produce the positive detectionof humans with near 100% accuracy, and provide fully automatedoperation. Phase I investigates morphological image processingfor human detection, implements the test bed detection system,and validates the system concept based on actual video. Thesoftware for image processing runs on a workstation or personalcomputer for the test bed. The software will be analyzed todetermine the requirements for porting to low cost dedicateddigital signal processing. Cost analysis will determine if thesignal processing should be done in hardware, in software, atremote nodes, or at central hubs. Design alternatives will besuggested for changes in the image processing software or imagefiles transferred to optimize cost and performance. The finalreport will provide test results, suggest design alternativesbased on test results, and summarize the analysis of software andhardware requirements to develop a prototype for field testing.Anticipated Results /Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: The expected result of this project isthe proof of concept that human presence can be automaticallydetected and confirmed with a very low false alarm rate usingwireless data communication systems and advanced signalprocessing and can be manufactured for a l-ow cost (under $600 anode). Controlling crime is a major issue in the United States.Currently around 9.95 billion dollars per year is spent onsecurity systems. These monitored systems have excessive falsealarm rates. With the successful completion of this system,government, business, and consumers can use a new generation ofsecurity system with near zero false alarm rate and very lowinstallation and operating costs.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Automatic detection of human presence is required in security environments. Systems must operate in and around varying backgrounds and with a near-zero false alarm rate. In this project, video acquisition will be time coordinated with other sensors, wireless spread spectrum communications, and various image processing systems to detect the presence of human intruders, and the alarm will be communicated to the monitoring station with near 100% accuracy. In Phase I, it was shown that several inexpensive nodes placed in a security environment can simplify the image recognition task, increase real-time performance, and provide maximum security coverage on an economical budget. Test bed results proved that digital image recognition is feasible and allowed the determination of the number of operations required, as well as the compression, decompression, and communications requirements. Phase II will develop a very low cost system that supports real-time image processing, has advanced image recognition software, and can be connected to a monitoring station by means of telephone lines or wirelessly. An advanced industrial security system will be designed which incorporates the above elements plus advanced image recognition and high integrity safeguards against sophisticated intruders.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: Two separate products are planned based on the same core wireless video with image recognition technology: one for the consumer and one for high end industrial use. The node cost will be low, and the system should be easily installed for both the consumer market and the advanced industrial applications.