An advanced waste-water treatment process for continuousseparation of ionic species, including heavy metals, from aqueoussolutions has been developed. This process shows a potential forseparation of a variety of components from complex mixtures atsufficiently high capacity and low cost to be suitable forapplication on an industrial scale. The objectives are to providevalidation and develop specific applications for the new processand to establish its competitiveness with existing processes. Ademonstratration of efficient separation of heavy metals fromsurface mine waters is planned. The approach will be to make useof a dynamic prototype device to conduct a program ofdemineralization tests on heavy metal contaminants such as thosefound in the Berkeley Pit, an inactive copper mine in Butte,Montana. Phase I will consist of a study of the dependence of thedemineralization parameters on a defined matrix of independentprocess parameters. It is expected that substantial gains in therate of separation, the separation ratio, energy efficiency, andlow process cost will be realized.Anticipated Results /Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: Based on results to date, a successfuldevelopment of the application of the new process is expected forthe removal and recovery of heavy metals from waste water and therestoration of water quality to accepted standards. Futureapplications will include mobile and stationary high-capacitysystems (1 to 10 million gallons per day, per unit) forcontinuous treatment of contaminated surface water generated bymining or by manufacturing industries. Revenues from therecovered metals and water are projected to exceed process costsby a substantial margin.