Star motor - an inherently high torque low speed piezoelectric motor for modular robotics
Award last edited on: 6/1/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code

Principal Investigator
Allen R Grahn

Company Information

Bonneville Scientific Inc

PO Box 9497
Salt Lake City, UT 84109
   (801) 273-7518
Location: Single
Congr. District: 04
County: Salt Lake

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The annual cost of maintaining U.S. nuclear power plants is approaching $10 billion. This activity also results in about100,000 man-rem of personnel exposure. Improving the operational efficiency of existing nuclear power plants is a logical method to help meet the forecasted increase in demand for electricity. The use of advanced robotic systems in nuclear power plants can reduce both the outage duration and radiation exposure of personnel. Moreover, improved robotic systems have the potential to provide a higher quality of work while eliminating the low productivity of maintenance workers who labor under extremely demanding conditions. This project investigates the feasibility of a new kind of robotic actuator that can have wide application in robotics in general, but is especially well suited to modular, mission-flexible robots. Researchers have identified "mission flexibility" as one of the most important robotic attributes for critical tasks in nuclear power plants, and "robot modularity" is the major factor contributing to mission flexibility. This robotic actuator is a piezoelectric motor called STAR MOTOR, which produces high torque at low speeds. STAR MOTOR can be configured in different sizes, shapes, number of poles, and size and number of piezoelectric elements to fit both the power and space requirements of robotic devices. Phase I includes the design, construction, and evaluation of a prototype motor. Complete motor designs will be developed for implementation in Phase II. Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: The motors to be developed in Phase II of this project will have widespread application in Government and civilian robotic applications because of their low speed, high torque characteristics and high energy density. These same features make STAR MOTOR attractive for use in prosthetic limbs and actuators in remotely operated vehicles. The micro-stepping capability of STARMOTOR can be exploited in micro positioning devices, ranging from miniature robotic grippers to large x-y tables.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The use of advanced robotic systems in nuclear power plants can reduce both the outage duration and radiation exposure of personnel. Mission flexibility and modularity are key parameters for these robotic systems. Star Motor is a piezoelectric motor which inherently produces high torque at low speeds and has the potential of achieving energy densities 40 times greater than their electromagnetic motors. Furthermore, Star Motors have avery high degree of modularity. Phase I established the feasibility of the Star Motor concept by (1) designing and fabricating both a very simple one-pole motor and a six-pole prototype Star Motor, (2) developing suitable motor drive electronics, (3) evaluating motor performance, and(4) developing a more complete rotary and linear motor design. Phase II will (1) develop a light-weight but powerful parallel-jaw gripper and a twelve-pole Star Motor, (2) develop energy-efficient drive electronics, (3) evaluate motor performance, and (4) test motor operation in nuclear reactor environments. Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee: The motor technology developed in this project will have wide-spread application in Government and civilian robotic applications because of its low speed, high-torque characteristics and high energy density. These same features will make Star Motor attractive for use in prosthetic limbs and actuators in remotely operated vehicles. The micro-stepping capability of Star Motor can be exploited in devices for micro positioning, ranging in size from miniature robotic grippers to large xy tables.