The oil industry generates large volumes of drilling mudwastes that constitute an environmental problem. Current practicesinvolve retaining such wastes in pits, or disposing them byremoving and transporting them to another location for treatment. The technology studied in this project is treating the mud on-site,reducing its volume, and allowing the separation of selective mudcomponents for reuse or more effective remedial treatment. Thetechnology involves treating the drilling fluids with enzymes thatrapidly (within minutes) degrade the organic polymer viscosifiersin the mud systems and release the solids by breaking thesuspending characteristics of the mud. No added equipment isneeded, and the dried crude enzyme formulations can be tailored todecompose the desired mud component. The low cost, commerciallyavailable enzymes that function in the mud system are nontoxic,nonhazardous, and are environmentally acceptable. The mud volumesare reduced by separating the solids from the water and oilcomponents of the muds. Each separated fraction can be reused oreasily handled. These advantages for a novel and rapid on-sitewaste reduction technology will benefit both the driller and theenvironment. The Phase I research is examining commerciallyavailable enzyme formulations that are most effective in degradingorganic polymers used in drilling muds.Anticipated Benefits/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee:This novel on-site biotechnology method to rapidlyreduce the volume of drilling mud wastes should provide the oilindustry with a low cost and environmentally attractive method totreat and handle drilling mud wastes. The process could becommercialized and implemented immediately, benefiting both the oilindustry and the environment.