The problem being addressed by Phase I of this project isthe development of a new type of low cost robotic acoustic sensorthat provides for (1) efficient coupling of the sensorpiezoelectric element to air with the consequent increased range ofoperation and (2) minimal array crosstalk for sensors operating inthe ultrasonic frequency range of 20 to 30 Hz. To meet theserequirements, the project uses a novel configuration of acousticsymmetric multilayer antireflection coatings for sensors. This newtype of acoustic sensor will have applications to othermanufacturing processes, such as those that take place in harsh ordangerous environments. Phase I is primarily a design andpractical feasibility study. The design task will provide choiceof materials for the antireflection coating as well as specificfabrication parameters for each frequency of interest. Preliminaryexperimental work will identify any problems attendant infabricating the coating and attaching it to a robotic sensor.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee:This new type of low cost acoustic sensor can beefficiently coupled to air for an extended range of operation andwould have a very narrow frequency band so that, in arrays, verylittle crosstalk occurs between sensors. Sensors of this type haverobotic applications as well as other industrial uses such asoperating in nuclear or other harsh or dangerous environments.