This project's objective is to achieve a fundamental understanding of the plastic behavior and propertymicrostructure relationships in titanium carbide (TiC) and titanium carbonitride (TICN) material systems. The Phase I approach synthesizes monolithic TiC and TICN ceramics using selfpropagating high temperature synthesis (SHS) and composite TiC-metal and TiCN-metal materials using SHS and liquid-metal infiltration (LMI) processes. The new compositions are being developed based on capillarity thermodynamic (wetting), exothermic reaction (SHS), and densification kinetic (LMI) studies. Microhardness, macrohardness, and fracture toughness properties will be measured on the new compositions. Microstructural evaluation will consist of metallographic, x-ray diffraction, and electron microprobe analyses. Property-microstructure correlations will be obtained from the experimental data. These results will provide the basis for an understanding of how nonoxide monolithic and composite material systems behave plastically.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee:Novel compositions of matter and their processes will be developed to meet several commercial applications. The potential applications include bearings, brakes, cutting tools, drill bits, armor, shielding, and new aerospace structures.