This project will study the feasibility of using a novel mill/separator in the preparation of low-ash coal. Testing will be performed in a bench-scale, continuously operated mill. In a conventional coal beneficiation circuit, designed to produce a low-ash product, a number of unit operations are performed in separate devices. A typical circuit would consist of (1) size reduction of the coal in a mill; (2) processing of the ground material in a separator; (3) regrinding of the "off-spec" (high-ash) material to further liberate the mineral matter from the coal; and (4) further processing of the reground material in another separator to produce a low-ash, clean coal and a refuse that is rejected In this innovative new milL all of the above unit operations are accomplished in the same device. The principles involved represent a novel idea in beneficiation mill design. This concept results in an enhanced efficiency of (1) separation, (2) process control, and (3) chemical usage. Further, there is a reduced energy requirement by preventing coal overgrinding Lower capital and operating expenses are envisaged.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee:Successful development will result in an efficient new device for the preparation of low-cost, low-ash coal. Sigluficant savings in capital and operating cost are envisaged. This innovative device can also be used for the beneficiation of low-grade minerals, where fine grinding is required to liberate the gangue from the valuable constituents.