This project will develop a machine for harvesting energy plantations in the northern states. This harvesting process will be accomplished in two steps. In the first step, the trees will be cut down and piled in windrows where they can be air dried to reduce green-wood moisture content. In the second step, the stems are recovered from the ground and chipped for transportation and ultimate use. By chipping the stems at the stump site and by processing groups of trees rather than single-tree stems, this logging system will offer a cost-effective alternative for harvesting fuel-wood plantations and will provide the energy fiber consumer with a source of partially dried wood chips.Anticipated Results/Potential Commercial Applications as described by the awardee:(1) decreased harvesting cost of energy plantations, (2) decreased moisture content of raw wood fiber, reducing transportation cost and increasing the heat value of delivered chips, (3) reduced stump damage during harvesting operations, (4) provision for the harvest of randomly spaced trees or rows of trees, single or multiple stems per stump, with stems from 1 to 30 cm in diameter, and (5) increased number of stems per hectare of Populus species by stump and root sprouting following harvest operations.