Development of a non-proprietary Frequency Shift Key (FSK) modern and packet assembler and disassembler incorporating forward error correction capable of "plug and play" interfacing to standard off the shelf VHF/UHF FM transceivers could provide an order of magnitude improvement in communication bandwidth and channel utilization for Automated Flood Warning Systems (AFWS). The use of 4 level orthogonal direct FSK encoding and raised cosine response data filtering interfaced to the normal audio input and output of a standard FM transceiver for 4800 bps raw data rate while maintaining an occupied RF bandwidth of 12.5 kHz and BER performance equivalent to 300 bps AFSK-FM is proposed. The use of a NASA standard concatenated channel code is proposed to provide coding gain and multipath mitigation. Development of prototype hardware to demonstrate feasibility is proposed.
Potential Commercial Applications: Automated Flow Warning Systems; Environmental Monitoring; Water Quality Monitoring; Remote Control Systems; Homeland Security Communications