Currently no commercially available voltammetric electrode system exists which can operate in the water column, water/sediment interface or sediment. These electrodes need to sense a variety of electroactive species in the marine environment, which are biogeochemical relevant to understanding the Essential Fish Habitat. More importantly, these electrodes must be able to take the punishment of multiple deployments into the sediment. It is the goal of this work to prove feasibility of a new type of electrode (sensor), which can be commercially available to the community. AIS In-situ instruments coupled to these new electrodes could be used in the analysis of sediments in the oceans, bays, harbors (Tengberg, 1995) or planet surfaces. From monitoring sediments for contamination, "Hot Spots" of heavy metal discharge from dry docs, effluent discharge to manufacturing facilities and electrical power plants, these electrodes would greatly simplify electrochemical procedures and make them accessible to more researchers.
Potential Commercial Applications: The ability to couple a rugged electrode system to out current in-situ electrochemical analyzers would allow researchers a tool to explore the biogeochemical processes in real time on a global basis. Many oceanographic and environmental researchers have contacted AIS for rugged electrodes. This is the right time for the development of such electrodes. The scientific community needs them!