The feasibility of a very low-cost approach to producing smart vibration sensors will be investigated. The approach consists of: (1) fabricating integrated circuit wafers containing vibration sensor precursors and signal processing electronics at a commercial Application-Specific Integrated-Circuit (ASIC) foundry service in a completely standard CMOS process; (2) processing the completed wafers to convert the sensor precursors into functional sensors on chips suitable for postmolder-plastic (PMP) packaging; and (3) packaging the chips at a commercial PMP packaging service. Steps (1), (2), and (3) involve CIFMEMS, post-processing, and PMP technologies, respectively. These steps will be carried out (or simulated when appropriate) to produce functional vibration sensors with interface electronics co-integrated on a single chip in a PMP package. Post-processing procedures to make CIFMEMS and PMP technologies compatible without sacrificing the cost advantages of these technologies will be researched. Potential problems that significantly increase cost or reduce reliability will be identified, and potential solutions for implementation in a Phase 2 effort will be proposed. COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: There is a large, untapped market for very lost-cost vibration sensors for shutting off malfunctioning air-conditioning compressors in commercial buildings to minimize the damage that is caused by running a malfunctioning unit. A break-through in sensor cost is needed to tap this market. The results of a successful completion of this project will be applicable to many other untapped sensor markets