Compact Photoconductive-Based Sampling System with Electronic Sampling Delay
Award last edited on: 6/17/2022

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Principal Investigator
Chi Lee

Company Information


9810 Kentsdale Drive
Potomac, MD 20854
   (301) 469-6924
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Montgomery

Phase I

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Critical issues associated with the design of a rugged, compact "real time" sampling system using photoconductive switches as the signal generator and sample will be investigated. The design concept is based upon an optoelectronic equivalent time sampling principle developed by the Principal Investigator. It involves first the phase locking of the temporal waveform to be measured to the optical pulses and subsequent sampling of the locked waveform. The photoconductive switches are used both as optical-microwave mixer and sampler. The optical-microwave intermixing process generates a low frequency replica of the high frequency waveform to be sampled. The frequency ratio of these waves is the time expansion factor. Since there is no electro-mechanical moving part involved, the sampling is done at a fast rate. The record acquisition time of 10 s per sweep can be achieved. Other issues concerning electronic sampling delay, epoch time, number of sampling points per epoch, resolution time, photoconductor carrier lifetime, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, etc., will also be investigated. A preliminary experiment demonstrating the operation principle of the equivalent time sampling will be carried out. A complete Phase II system design of a pulse parameter testing instrument which will meet most requirements as specified in Subtopic 8.7.3T will be presented at the end of Phase 1. Commercial applications:Success of this research will lead to the commercial pulse parameter test instrument that is rugged and compact. It can perform the "real-time" characterization of high speed/high frequency signals with the following features: electronic sampling delay with data acquisition time of 10 s; adjustable epoch time from 200 ps to 100 ns; variable number of sampling points, up to a few thousand; 100 fs time resolution; photoconductor responsitivity of about 1 A/W and system sensitivity of 5 V Hz-1/2, and 212 bits per full scale reading.

Phase II

Contract Number: N/A
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Critical issues associated with the design of a rugged, compact "real-time" sampling system using photoconductive switches as the signal generator and sampler will be investigated. The design concept is based upon an optoelectronic equivalent time sampling principle developed by the Principal Investigator. It involves first the phase locking of the temporal waveform to be measured to the optical pulses and subsequent sampling of the locked waveform. The photoconductive switches are used both as optical-microwave mixer and sampler. The optical-microwave intermixing process generates a low frequency replica of the high frequency waveform to be sampled. The frequency ratio of these two waves is the time expansion factor. Since there is no electro-mechanical moving part involved, the sampling is done at a fast rate. The record acquisition time of 10 µs per sweep can be achieved. Other issues concerning electronic sampling delay, epoch time, number of sampling points per epoch, resolution time, photoconductor carrier lifetime, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, etc., will also be investigated. Because of the success of the Phase 1 research, we propose in Phase 2 to build a laboratory prototype pulse parameter testing instrument demonstrating the operation principle of the equivalent time sampling. This prototype instrument will meet most requirements as specified in Subtopic 8.7.3T. COMMERCIAL APPLICATIONS: Success of the research will lead to the commercial pulse parameter test instrument that is rugged and compact. It can perform the "real-time" characterization of high speed/high frequency signals with the following features: adjustable epoch time ranging from 200 ps to 100 ns; variable number of sampling points per epoch up to a few thousand points; record acquisition time 10 µs per sweep; sampling aperture 5 µV Hz-1/2; photoconductor responsitivity 1 A/W; and 212 bits per full scale reading