Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM), ISO/IEC 8632, is theonly national (ANSI) international (ISO), and Federal (FIPS)standard for the device and application independent capture,storage, and interchange of computer graphics pictures. CGM is widely implemented, and is a standard of potentially greatcommercial importance. Quality commercial implementations thatinteroperate smoothly are critical to realizing this potential.It is know that product certification is a prerequisite. NIST hasa test suite and has established a test service for the Version 1subset of CGM: 1992 and the CALS MIL-D-28003A.CGM: 1992/Amd.1 hasadded a Model Profile (MP) and Rules for Profiles. Most of theimportant future commercial profiles (and the FIPS) will beclosely related. There is need for test suites and services forfull MP.Compared to the current NIST capability, MP doubles the number ofelements, adds encodings, and contains completely new concepts(IIRS/GIRS). The proposal is for a full MP test suite (Phase 1and Phase 2). Phase 1 research will develop models to categorizeand prioritize the new features, reusing existing NIST principlesand specifications to the greatest degree commensurate with theinnovations in the MP, will invent new approaches where requiredby such innovations, and will result in complete specificationsfor the full MP test suite.Commercial Applications:There is existing commercial market forCGM self-testing, which will expand for the CGM: 1992 ModelProfile (MP). The tools and procedures of this project will bedirectly marketable to industry, and will provide the basis forother marketable tools as well. A NIST CGM/MP test service willalso have an enabling and multiplier effect on total commercialactivity in the graphics technology sector.