The National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST) has undertaken an effort to provide solid standards andalgorithms for the standardization of near-infraredspectrophotometers. This effort, coupled with recent advances inmathematical algorithms for regression model transfer, hascreated an opportunity for the development of standardcalibration models. The proposed research focuses on thedevelopment of a standard calibration model for the analysis ofgasoline by near-infrared spectroscopy. The calibration modelwill be standardized against the High Accuracy Spectrophotometerat NIST. Phase 1 of the project entails developing a standardcalibration model for the measurement of research octane number(RON), motor octane number (MON) and pump octane number. Thismodel will be used to predict octane numbers on gasoline samplescollected from 23 regions throughout the United States. Oncecomplete, the model will be transferred to various scanninggrating and diode-array near-infrared spectrophotometers toassess its universality. The model addresses specific standardsand calibration needs of the gasoline industry.Commercial Applications:A standard calibration model fornear-infrared spectroscopic analysis of gasoline is of tremendousinterest to producers of gasoline, for on-line process controland quality assurance; automobile manufacturers, for advancedengine design and performance testing; and governmentlaboratories interested in monitoring performance and emissionspecifications of gasoline samples.