The proposed research will result in a logical designof a CAD-based topological building modeling system to facilitatethe organization of, and access to, building graphic andalpha-numeric data required for fire hazard analyses using NISTand other fire effects codes. The proposed system provides (1) ameans of converting CAD floor plans to a topological ( andanalytic) building model; (2) an extensive building alpha-numericdata base linked to architectural features; (3) a means ofintegrating the building model with the fire hazard analysisresults. In addition, the topological map and available network analysistechniques offer the possibility of extending fire hazardanalysis results beyond that portion of the structure analyzed bythe fire models and to make meaningful inferences aboutfire-related parameters which were not specifically addressed bythe fire analysis codes. The basic technical approach is similarto that taken in the recent BombCAD blast effects analysis codedevelopment and borrows significantly from the BombCAD buildingmodeling technology.Commercial Applications:Accurate systems to economically modelfire-and smoke effects in diverse buildings will have significanteconomic impact on the entire fire protection infrastructure.Academic researchers, building designers and managers andinsurers, as well as fire protection hardware and materialsmanufacturers, will all represent a potential market for theproposed analysis capability.