We have developed a mesoscale numerical prediction model which runs on a microcomputer, currently an HP-9000/520. For operational applications of this model in real time, we will require a data communications link to access FAA circuit 604. The data received via this channel consist of synoptic radiosonde and surface observations. Before these data can be assimilated into our numerical prediction model, they will have to undergo quality control procedures. Such procedures have not yet been developed for mini- and microcomputer environments. We deem it essential that a mesoscale model for "individualized" weather predictions can run locally at WFOs (Weather Forecasting Offices) with original data and not only with objective analysis products received from a central facility. In our experience, such analyses tend to be smoothed excessively to the point where the causes for imminent mesoscale weather development have been obliterated. Under Phase-I, we propose to develop an optimum-cost design of hardware and software for data reception, data quality control, and model initialization. This design will include the capability of using original observational data as well as imported objective analyses of meteorological data fields.Anticipated Results and
Potential Commercial Applications:Mesoscale weather prediction on micro- or minicomputers, in real time, at distributed locations, for specific users: Regional weather forecasting offices, transportation industry, agribusiness, emergency management, and military (battlefield) applications.