The implementation of Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1) provides an opportunity to make Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) more effective through improved situational awareness and operational / incident coordination. With these opportunities come the challenge of guarding against misleading information and malicious actors. This proposal describes an approach to address these issues to create an extensible solution leveraging available multimedia data while guarding against content-based cyber-attacks.PSAP networks are transitioning from speech only to multimedia content including text, video, and images. PSAPs face the real-time challenge of protecting against altered and malicious content that could compromise the systems or mislead PSAP responders. NG9-1-1 allows the multimedia data and multiple streams of input to enhance situational awareness, to gauge the nature and extent of an incident, and to improve the confidence of responses.The key opportunity is to mitigate risk from malicious actors. Though low probability, the impact of a PSAP system failing in the midst of a critical event could be unacceptably costly. The secondary opportunity is to improve the situational awareness of the PSAP staff enabling them to more effectively respond to an evolving incident.This proposal describes a system that integrates AI and cybersecurity software with advanced networking to connect video processing, compute, and storage to implement a more secure PSAP for NG9-1-1.Proof of concept will be demonstrated as part of Phase I, with a prototype being implemented for Phase II.This platform could then be re-targeted for use in the financial, medical and video processing industries.