Currently, there is no analytical reach-back support or Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) laboratory (lab) within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) accredited to review DNA results using the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) DNA Store/Match/Share capability. The purpose of Phase I is to analyze the feasibility of developing an accredited DHS reach-back capability to review results from fielded Rapid DNA systems using the Office of Biometric Identity Management (OBIM) DNA Store/Match/Share capability. The report that SNA International develops will be a plan in the form of a concept of operations (ConOps) for a reach-back support solution for use with Rapid DNA. The current state-of-the-art reach-back capability within DHS includes only facilities that assist with radiation detection and fingerprint comparison. At the end of Phase I, SNA will produce a "DNA Reach-back Concept of Operations" document that addresses: the analysis of potential solutions for reach-back support for Rapid DNA, the use of DNA data sharing standards, the accreditation of the reach-back facility or laboratory, facility location, staffing, costs, and the eventual transition of the new capability to DHS LSSD facilities. If built, the resulting reach-back laboratory will have the ability to perform both kinship and direct identification and provide service to various DHS locations with many diverse DNA testing needs. The reach-back laboratory links DHS to law enforcement agencies at the Federal, state, and local level for DNA. It also brings together lights-out interaction capabilities among these organizations, which will promote effective and efficient data-in and data-out functions.