Stabilized Chemisorptive Microsensor Arrays for Small Molecule Gas Detection
Award last edited on: 4/6/2015

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
William Royea

Company Information

Next Dimension Technologies Inc

1 West Mountain Street Suite 11
Pasadena, CA 91103
Location: Single
Congr. District: 28
County: Los Angeles

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The release of hazardous chemical vapors has the potential for severe casualties, and the detection of such chemicals is therefore critically important for homeland security. Despite this threat, there exists no commercially available, portable gas detection product that can quickly and cost-effectively sense most hazardous gases. In this Phase I project, we will develop a new generation of stable chemisorptive sensor materials that are highly sensitive towards reactive small molecule gases and that can withstand repeated exposures to multiple reactive gases. In addition, we will design and demonstrate methods for improving drift stability through development of sensor fabrication techniques and through the application of new drift-compensation algorithms. The technology builds on previous DHS-sponsored work in which the company demonstrated an initial prototype hand-held chemical detection system. In a continuing Phase II effort, we will validate an integrated detection system that incorporates the new sensors and drift-correction features into a next-generation prototype using simple, low-cost digital readout electronics. The outcome of this effort will be a detector based on microchemical sensor arrays that can be used to quickly and effectively detect the presence of hazardous chemical vapors.

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
The release of hazardous chemical vapors has the potential for severe casualties, and the detection of such chemicals is therefore critically important for homeland security. Despite this threat, there exists no commercially available, portable gas detection product that can quickly and cost-effectively sense most hazardous gases. In this Phase II project, we will develop a prototype gas detection system for reactive small molecule gases using a new generation of stable chemisorptive sensor materials that are highly sensitive towards reactive small molecule gases and that can withstand repeated exposures to multiple reactive analytes. The sensor arrays will be fabricated using techniques developed in Phase I that were shown to greatly enhance response stability, and the detection system will incorporate new drift-compensation algorithms. Performance characteristics of the prototype system will be validated with a broad range of hazardous chemical vapors of interest to DHS. In a continuing Phase III effort, we will optimize the prototype system for real-world environments and develop a production-ready system