Design of and Rapid Manufacturing Technology for a Flying Missile Rail
Award last edited on: 10/22/2018

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Daanish Maqbool

Company Information

North American Wave Engine Corporation (AKA: NAWEC)

1800 South Clinton Street
Baltimore, MD 21224
   (443) 681-9096
Location: Single
Congr. District: 03
County: Prince Georges

Phase I

Contract Number: 140D6318C0066
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
The Defense Advance Research Project Authority (DARPA) is seeking a capability to produce 500 Flying Missile Rails (FMRs) a month. Providing such a capability is challenging because one must simultaneously come up with a design for a FMR that meets mission requirements while being able to be mass produced. The North American Wave Engine Corporation (NAWEC) can provide a solution that will meet the governments requirements. NAWEC believes that one of the key barriers to the ability to mass produce FMRs is the expensive and complex propulsion systems that are likely to be attached to them. Jet turbine propulsion systems that are likely to be used in other designs contain numerous moving parts which makes mass-production difficult. NAWEC proposes using its proprietary pulsejet technology as the basis of an innovative FMR design to dramatically reduce manufacturing times of FMRs. NAWEC believes that reductions in manufacturing times derived from the ease of production for the powerplant will make a 500 unit a month production rate possible. NAWECs technology is able to meet these goals because our technology, a valveless pulsejet, contains no moving parts and is essentially a hollow tube.

Phase II

Contract Number: W31P4Q-20-C-0004
Start Date: 00/00/00    Completed: 00/00/00
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In keeping with the objective of developing and supplying a simple, rapidly manufacturable powerplant for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Authority (“DARPA”) Flying Missile Rail (“FMR”) program, the North American Wave Engine Corporation (“NAWEC”) will build and test a full-scale pulsejet engine for the FMR air vehicle.