Vaporcor LLC is currently developing a unique engine, (for High Altitude Long Endurance HALE aircraft), that has thermodynamic efficiency greater then 40%, is able to burn multiple-fuels, and is quiet, and lightweight. We call this engine our Caloric engine. This engine is being developed for military and commercial applications with power requirements in the 100 Kw to 250 Kw range. For this SBIR solicitation, Vaporcor has investigated designs of Caloric Engine for power levels from 3 Kw to 10 Kw. We are proposing a Small Caloric Engine design with special innovations that will allow it to maintain performance at smaller scale, and achieve the target power density. The Small Caloric Engine (SCE) will have all the features inherent to the generic Caloric Engines approach; that is, adaptable to many fuels and heat sources, quiet and smooth operation with low capital cost and operating cost.
Keywords: Thermodynamic Efficiency, Quiet, Lightweight,Power Density, Multiple Fuels.