Hyperspectral Imaging Sensor Based Feature Aided Tracking
Award last edited on: 6/28/2010

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
David Slater

Company Information

HyperTech Systems LLC

4 Dickens Court
Irvine, CA 92612
   (949) 856-1338
Location: Single
Congr. District: 47
County: Orange

Phase I

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
We will develop an innovative system called SpecTrac that combines motion constraints with LWIR spectral properties for the tracking of vehicles and dismounts in complex environments. The SpecTrac target model will improve over time and supports tracking using LWIR surface and plume spectral features that are invariant to target temperature, viewing geometry, the thermal environment, and the atmospheric conditions. The new approach will allow SpecTrac to overcome difficulties faced by current tracking systems when encountering targets moving in close proximity in the presence of occlusion and variable target motion. SpecTrac is based on efficient algorithms that will allow real-time tracking on the sensor platform. During Phase I, SpecTrac will be assessed for the long-duration tracking of vehicles and dismounts using a large set of LWIR HSI data. We will also select a LWIR HSI sensor that will support Phase II data collection and provide transition opportunities. A detailed commercialization plan is given for the new software.

Hyperspectral, Long-Wave Infrared, Tracking, Adaptive, Invariant, Real-Time, Vehicles, Dismounts

Phase II

Contract Number: ----------
Start Date: ----    Completed: ----
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
We will develop an innovative system called SpecTrac that uses LWIR spectral properties for the tracking of vehicles and dismounts in complex environments. The SpecTrac target models will improve with multiple views and support tracking using features that are invariant to target temperature, viewing geometry, the thermal environment, and the atmospheric conditions. The new approach will allow the tracking of targets that move in close proximity in the presence of occlusion and variable target motion. SpecTrac can also be used to reacquire targets after long time intervals. We will demonstrate the utility of the new spectral algorithms to improve the capability of trackers that use video-rate data acquired from a different sensor. SpecTrac is based on efficient algorithms that will allow real-time tracking on the sensor platform. During Phase I, SpecTrac will be assessed for the long-duration tracking of vehicles and dismounts using a large set of LWIR HSI data and video-rate data acquired from other sources. A detailed commercialization plan is given for the new software.

Hyperspectral, Long-Wave Infrared, Tracking, Adaptive, Invariant, Real-Time, Vehicles, Dismounts