We propose to develop an uncooled focal plane array (FPA) with a frame rate of at least 10 KHz and a high sensitivity in the long wave infrared (LWIR, 8-12 micron) for tracking fast-moving targets or imaging fast events. It consists of 256x256 micro interferometers as sensing elements, each of which transduces the incident LWIR into an interference beam of near IR that is detected by an ordinary high-speed Si photodiode. This transduction occurs at room temperature and at a speed of a microsecond. By employing fast circuits for parallel readout, a frame rate in excess of 10 KHz is achievable by the FPA. It's fabricated entirely of silicon (Si) for robustness, reliability and producibility using commercial foundries for production at low cost. Depending on applications, the post-FPA parallel processing will be used to render images at high speed. Phase I will analyze, model and design the FPA structure and layout for 10 KHz speed at room temperature, delineate the processes for fabrication and fabricate a simple structure to demonstrate its fabricability. Phase II will fabricate the FPA based on the model established in Phase I and test it with supporting optics and electronics for 10 KHz frame rate. Phase III will prototype and test a 10 KHz LWIR sensor