Infrared counter-measures require a mid-infrared laser operating between 2-5 microns with time-averaged powers of 5W and more. Omni Sciences, Inc.'s (OSI's) Mid-Infra-Red FIber Laser (MIRFIL) will generate continuous light over the mid-IR, 2-5 microns, with time-averaged power scalable to more than 5W. The MIRFIL is a practical super-continuum (SC) source using commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) laser diodes and fibers, no optical bench, and that covers several octaves of mid-IR spectrum. This SC is unique in that a mode-locked laser is not required and only short fiber lengths are used. The spectral density is more than three (eight) orders-of-magnitude brighter than a lamp in average (peak) power. In Phase I OSI and the University of Michigan demonstrated a MIRFIL in fluoride fibers with a continuous spectrum between ~0.8 and ~4.5 microns and powers as high as 1.4W. Moreover, OSI has demonstrated SC generation between ~0.8 and ~2.8 microns in fused silica fiber with a time-averaged output power of 5.3W. In Phase II the power for the MIRFIL will be scaled up to 5W over the mid-IR, and the wavelength range will be extended to beyond 5 microns. Also, the MIRFIL will be bread-board packaged for beta-sites with two system integrators.
Keywords: Mid-Infrared Lasers, Optical Fibers, Super-Continuum, Nonlinear Optics, Infrared Counter-Measures, L