The goal of the Phase II is to develop a parallel version of a common mesh infrastructure (CMI) for efficient adaptive simulations of transient multi-scale and multi-physics processes in complex geometries based on a new, fully threaded tree (FTT) abstract data type. A CMI defines both global topology of a computational domain and local connectivity information on the mesh through a map of a multi-dimensional computational space onto a one-dimensional abstract index space. A critical property of a CMI is that it enables adaptive numerical algorithms to operate on an index space instead of a computational space, and frees the algorithms from topological and geometrical constraints either explicitly defined or implicitly imposed by application-specific and computer language-specific layouts of computational data in a computer memory, thus making the CMI-based adaptive algorithms flexible, portable, and universal. An outcome of Phase II will be a distributed memory parallel version of a universal, platform-independent, stand-alone software library (CMILIB) for managing a geometrically and topologically complex adaptive computational mesh shared by multiple algorithms during integrated numerical simulations of multi-scale and multi-physics phenomena. During Phase II a joint effort with a DoD customer will produce a CMI-based application code.