Recent advances in volumetric display technology have yielded displays capable of presenting full color, three-dimensional images within a transparent medium. The resulting images are also transparent, because there is no means of rendering the solid volume of these images in a manner that occludes the light behind the image. The objective of this proposal is to develop a volumetric display technique capable of selectively generating areas of opacity within the otherwise transparent media of this display. The resulting display accomplished by modified existing volumetric display technology. The technology to be modified utilizes a three-dimensional array of light sources (voxels), each of which glows when addressed, and is virtually invisible when turned off. This proposal describes the incorporation of proprietary technology within the current display. This technology will provide for the digital generation of dark areas within the otherwise transparent display. The methods proposed would not hinder the current technology's capability of presenting images in full three-dimensional color. The proposed advancements would allow the rendering of volumetric images within the display in a more solid and realistic manner, providing a significant advancement in 3-D volumetric display technology.
Keywords: Command And Control, Visualization