This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will fully develop a high-speed actively damped controller and piezoelectric actuator that forms the critical component of the sensor head of a new, fast, high-resolution profilometer. The head consists of the actuator, high-bandwidth sensor, and a probe. The resulting profiler will have capabilities that are not attainable with any present instrument. The Phase II development project is based on the results of a Phase I feasibility study that demonstrated that the speed of a piezoelectric actuator could be dramatically improved with a control system, proprietary technology of PIEZOMAX Technologies, Inc., that is conceptually different from the ones presently in use. This actuator technology forms the core of the unique sensor head, which PIEZOMAX Technologies is developing in collaboration with a major semiconductor instrumentation company. PIEZOMAX Technologies is developing in collaboration with a major semiconductor instrumentation company. PIEZOMAX Technologies will develop the actuator, the control electronics, and required sensors. The Company will also develop interface software and protocols for integrating the components of the profiler head with our collaborator's instrumentation. The new profiler incorporating the PIEZOMAX technology will have wide impact, in particular in semiconductor device processing, in which high-resolution, rapid surface metrology is an issue of utmost concern.
Keywords: Piezoelectric Positioners; Controller; Scanned-Probe Microscope