SLM with Independent Phase and Amplitude Modulation
Award last edited on: 4/16/2002

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
David W Gardner

Company Information

Silicon Mountain Design Inc

5055 Corporate Plaza Drive Suite 100
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
   (719) 599-7700
Location: Single
Congr. District: 05
County: El Paso

Phase I

Contract Number: DAAH01-97-C-R150
Start Date: 4/30/1997    Completed: 12/5/1997
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
Recent advances in optical processing have created an opportunity to build massively parallel processing units which are comparable in size to current desk top computers. This massive parallelism promises orders of magnitude increase in processing speed and the optical nature of the system makes it ideal for image and array processing. To date, the primary roadblock in recognizing the potential of optical processors is the input and output devices. Because the actual processing literally occurs at the speed of light, the I/O interface creates a system bottle-neck which limits overall system throughput. High frame rate spatial light modulators capable of independently modulating both phase and amplitude are key to addressing this problem. SMD proposes the development of a pixelated Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) array, where each pixel independently modulates both phase and amplitude. SMD has previously demonstrated high-speed, amplitude-only SLM's for use in optical processing systems. This technology base will be extended to a new SLM architecture which also includes phase modulation.

Phase II

Contract Number: DAAH0198CR140
Start Date: 7/7/1998    Completed: 10/31/2000
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
In an optical processor, data is first converted to coherent light with a Spatial Light Modulator (SLM). Raw data is fed to an SLM and illuminated with a coherent reference beam to create a 2 dimensional data pattern. This approach requires converting data from its original parallel optical format to a serial electrical SLM input and then back to parallel optical form as a coherent reference beam illuminates the SLM. After optical processing, the parallel data output is then squeezed back into serial format as the imaging array outputs data in RS-170 or similar format. Because of this serial/parallel/serial conversion, the very power gained from the parallelisms of optical processing is typically forfeited at the input/output interface. The Phase II development proposed will focus on a high-speed architecture which maximizes input parallelism through the use of an optically addressed SLM. At the system output, throughput will again be maximized by digitally preprocessing correlation data within the camera itself. The marriage of an ultra high-speed front end SLM with smart digital processing at the processor output promises a new breed of correlator which more fully utilizes the power of optical computing.