The problem of assimilating data in cyberspace continues to grow as the recent explosive growth in the Web has resulted in a worldwide informational database which can at best be described as chaotic. Finding specific information is becoming increasingly more difficult. In addition, as the Web becomes more visual and dynamic, much of the information is "hidden" from the tools currently being used to index the Web. Once information is located, it is not easily integrated into the user's working environment. JEC proposes a solution to these problems based on integrating several new and emerging technologies for the Web to provide an object-oriented approach to organizing, finding, and using the vast amount of information available. The Phase I effort investigated the feasibility of developing an integrated suite of tools for information visualization, based on VRML, Java and MetaData concepts. Prototype software was developed. Phase II will build on the concepts and software developed in Phase I. JEC's goal is to develop and market consumer tools which would allow information providers and consumers to make efficient and effective use of information providers and consumers to make efficient and effective use of information on the Web in their daily work and leisure activities. There is currently a need for tools which simplify the process of finding, organizing, and using information on the Web. Software tools developed out of this research - which satisfy that need - will have tremendous commercial potential, especially since they are widely available, readily accessible, and easily used. This research may also be extended to applications beyond the Web.