There are challenges in linking high-performance airborne vehicle(s), such as the DARPA X-31, with manned and/or unmanned ground-based air vehicle simulators to replicate Close-in-Combat (CIC) conditions and improve tactics evaluation. We discuss these challenges and the simulation concepts that can quantify the utility of emerging technologies and qualify their tactical significance. We describe the driving requirements for developing and implementing an appropriate simulation network environment; a multidimensional adversary simulation network that is an intelligently interactive, real-time manned and unmanned adversary simulation capable of supporting systems requirements evaluation efforts. Discussed are the various ways in which such a simulation technology can be leveraged to support emerging technologies such as the DARPA X-31 EFM demonstrator, and other emerging technologies. Development of a simulation network environment can serve as the conduit for linking advanced technology and simulation and can provide for the improved exploration of the valid definition of operational and tactical utility to be provided by a technology. Using an interactive flight vehicle/ground simulator network, the government is offered the opportunity to scrub requirements and evaluate emerging technologies and tactics, through an unmanned balanced-fidelity adversary representation and a manned flight simulator or airborne air vehicle.Anticipated benefits/potential applications:Results of this research will provide the technical foundation for establishing requirements for a prototype, low cost air combat simulation network utilizing two-way RF data-link and other advanced interface technologies. This system will be useful for the development and evaluation of future technologies to support advanced air combat. This research will lead to a revolutionary realization of advanced simulation and interface technologies.