Aircraft, shipboards and ground all require eye-safe laser radar with compact slze. In Phase I, E-Tek will analyze, design and optimize a low cost laser radar using currently available 1.54 UM INGAASP/INP laser diodes and coherent detection recelver. The eye-safe laser radar design can be expanded to construct multi-target, large fleld-of-vlew, and high power system for long dlstance applications, using monolithic, planar structure. Phase I R&D results will directly lead to Phase II breadboard hardware fabrication, test, and demonstration. Presently, E-Tek has all key components required for the laser radar, including stabilized narrow linewidth laser, optical isolator, electronicallycontrolled beam steering device, tunable optical filter, tunable semiconductor laser source, optical phase-locked loop, polarization controller, LD power supply and stabilizer, etc. Anticipated benefits/potential commercial applications - technology developed in this project is directly applicable to medical equipment, telecommunications, navigation, precision measurement instruments, anticollision devices, optical signal processing, automatic landing system, environmentalprotection and control, fiber optic sensors, etc.