Semiconductor technology design programs today are characterized by exorbitant costs, protracted design cycles, and manufacturability problems. The use of technology computer-aided-design tools (TCAD) is essential to solving these problems. However, the tools available today do not interoperate well, are difficult to use, and do not support distributed computing. These problems are a significant barrier to the effective use of existing TCAD tools. TMA is working with the CAD Framework Initiative Semiconductor Process Representation (SPR) Working Group to develop an industry-wide SPR standard to address these problems. TMA proposes to develop an alpha version of an SPR server, based on the industry standard, that will consist of a process repository with process editing and simulation management services. Object-oriented software engineering principles will be applied in the analysis, design, and implementation of the server. The server will be implemented in C++. At ARPA's option, TMA further proposes to work with major U.S. semiconductor manufacturers to extensively alpha and beta test the SPR server, complete a commercially releasable version, and insert this technology into key U.S. semi-conductor organizations. The result of this development effort will be a commercially available SPR server. Anticipated
Benefits: The SPR server will reduce the barriers to effective use of TCAD tools in the key areas of interoperability, ease of use, and distributed computing. This will reduce the cost, time, and complexity of semiconductor technology design programs. Since the server will be based on an industry standard semiconductor process representation and will meet demonstrated industry needs, the potential for wide-spread industry adoption and use is great.