Monitoring Food and Water for Pathogens
Award last edited on: 4/18/2007

Sponsored Program
Awarding Agency
Total Award Amount
Award Phase
Solicitation Topic Code
Principal Investigator
Paul J Durda

Company Information

ProterixBio Inc (AKA: BioScale Inc)

One Fortune Drive
Billerica, MA 01821
   (978) 901-6700
Location: Single
Congr. District: 06
County: Middlesex

Phase I

Contract Number: N00014-03-M-0403
Start Date: 9/15/2003    Completed: 5/14/2004
Phase I year
Phase I Amount
BioScale, Inc. was founded with the mission to develop biohazard detection systems for commercial applications. After an intensive investigation of technologies existing in commercial, academic, and government labs, BioScale has selected a MEMS device for detection of viral and bacterial pathogens. This technology is best suited for the near-term development of a low-cost, field deployable, real-time, and reliable biohazard detection system capable of integration with standard sample preparation processes. In order to demonstrate proof-of-principle, the detection limits for a target analyte in a raw physical sample will be measured using the proposed device. In Phase I, BioScale proposes to demonstrate that the MEMS device is a viable biohazard detector. Specifically, the program seeks to prove that the sensitivity of the device meets the requirements of biohazard detection applications and that it can be combined with environmental control and sample preparation elements to design a complete system. There are several motivating applications for this biosensor work: Pathogen detection, acute care diagnostics and pharmaceutical development. Pathogen detection in the nations water arteries and food supply chain presents an opportunity for the current focus of microbial detection. Analytes, such as, Cryptosporidium, Giardia and various strains of E. coli (Ref. CDC), present in the smallest concentrations can cause severe illness and death in immuno-compromised hosts. Recent events have prompted a national focus on homeland security and defense against biological agents. Today's need is for microbe detection, such as anthrax and smallpox, both in liquid environment samples and in physiological samples

Phase II

Contract Number: W911QY-05-C-0040
Start Date: 5/25/2005    Completed: 5/24/2007
Phase II year
Phase II Amount
Having achieved or exceeded all goals and objectives of the Phase I research program, BioScale has thus demonstrated feasibility of a multiplexed, immuno-electromechanical pathogen detection method. In Phase II, BioScale proposes to advance this research by assembling a complete assay system that integrates discrete, commercial off the shelf (COTS) sample preparation subcomponents with the proprietary BioScale detection platform for the purpose of validation testing. In the Baseline Proposal, BioScale will demonstrate detection of multiple pathogens using inoculated food matrices with analyses being in a non-multiplexed format. Two follow-on options are proposed

Multiplexed, Mems, Microbiological Detection, Sensor, Array