High intensity light sources can be effectively used for Infrared Countermeasures (IRCM) against Electrooptic (EO) based systems. The operational requirements for an IRCM optical source depend upon the desired effects along with engagement parameters such as range, atmospheric conditions, engagement geometry, target characteristics, and IRCM platform constraints. Of interest, are systems that can "dazzle or damage EO sensors with ultrashort laser pulses with spectral content that spans the mid-infrared (MWIR) or long-wave infrared (LWIR) spectral regions, because it is difficult to protect sensors from this type of counter measure with passive filters or active optical limiters. The objectives of the proposed Phase I effort is to use numerical simulations and IRCM-system considerations to model several new approaches for delivery of ultra-broadband IR laser pulses to EO sensors, select an approach, define top-level system requirements, and produce a preliminary design for an optical source for prototyping in a Phase II program.