B3 proposes to develop and build a prototype sensor that can be used to track individual BOP exposure from artillery. The technical objectives will be accomplished over a two-year period of performance (PoP), which include the base (Year 1) and option period (Year 2). The base will result in an alpha prototype, of which five (5) sets will be delivered to PEO Ammo. The alpha will be tested using B3s in-house shock tube as well as at an explosive test range, in addition to regulatory compliance testing. Lessons learned will be incorporated into the design of a beta prototype in Year 2. The beta testing will take place at a customer specified facility, likely Yuma Proving Grounds. The final prototype system will be delivered including fifteen (15) sets and the mobile Blast Gauge System Application (BGSA) running on a ruggedized tablet that runs Android. Detailed objectives for each component are outlined in the technical proposal.