An Innovative solution is proposed for the development of a 155mm diameter EMP high voltage power supply without high explosive utilization. The solution uniqueness consists in non-explosive stored charge release in piezopolymeric film-based structures for the generation of high voltage electric pulses, intended for powering HPM munition RF transmitter. The main advantage of the proposed design over the traditional ferroelectric ceramics is its capability to withstand high G-forces without fracturing or loosing dielectrical strength, which is of crucial importance for HPM munitions development. Another advantage is its much higher estimated generated energy density, potentially reaching 5-15 J/cc, which is essential for the development of 155mm HPM munition transmitters (ubitrons, vircathors etc), and its very high generated electric voltages, potentially reaching 1 MV. For this SBIR Phase I experimental feasibility demonstration, GRA will focus on the excitation of the piezopolymer film-based metamaterial structures using advanced pyrotecthnic cartridges, resulting in the high-voltage pulses generation for the purpose of proof-of-principle demonstration. The SBIR Phase II will produce a prototype of a self-contained electric power supply for 155mm diameter HPM munitions capable of producing up to 1MV/100J electrical high voltage pulses