However well the militarys field hospitals are staffed and served, the challenges in a forward operating area are far greater and require varied, specific solutions. Yet the basic underlying problems confronting these two worlds are the same; logistics must be organized to provide what is needed to those that need it, and a simple method of enabling that process is required. With technology that is familiar, inexpensive, and pervasive, the Army can leverage the recent advances in mobile device technology to address the challenges of far forward medical logistics. The vast majority of mobile devices now feature robust network options, voice recognition services, built-in cameras, and ample computational power. Technology Solutions Experts, Inc. (TSE) proposed to design and now proposes to build the Far Forward Medical App for Logistics that will capitalize on these technological advances to provide the Army with a significantly simplified means of ordering, tracking, and receiving medical supplies in the field. The Far Forward App will integrate with Medical Logistics services to provide personnel working in Far Forward environments an easy and accurate method to manage supplies, order and re-order, and check-in deliveries. The App will enable users to rapidly and accurately enter new orders, capture information from boxes, and update stores to minimize the overall workload and measurably improve services - all in a context with poor network conditions and connections through a resilient management of networks and data-transfers, off-loading the work of ensuring orders get through to technology rather than on personnel.