As switching components become more capable and more power dense, the size and weight of military power electronics becomes dictated by the size, weight and cooling of passive magnetic components EMI filters and heat transfer solutions. Espey Mfg. & Electronics proposes a novel approach to a tactically deployable 30KW 600VDC to 208VAC 3-Phase Bidirectional Inverter using wide band gap technology and innovations in converter topology and cooling to reduce the size and weight of magnetic components and thermal management beyond bipolar topologies and what can be achieved by wide band gap components alone. Innovative phase shifting and combing of AC inverters allowing doubling of frequencies in AC line inductors, application of a DC Transformer for galvanic isolation, and the use of heat pipes allowing air cooling in a 71C ambient all combine to minimize magnetic component, MIL-STD-461 EMI Filtering and thermal management weight and volume. The proposed approach results in a full mil-spec compliant, environmentally sealed, 71C air cooled product that is adaptable to meting multiple mission needs requiring power from or to 600VDC PRF-GCS600A or tactical 208VAC 3-phase sources.